Joy Scarf
Another scarf inspired the design for Joy. It wasn't until I had placed the order for the Protection scarf that I realized I was starting a scarf business. Then I couldn't stop thinking about different themes that I would love to design.
I didn't have any experience designing clothing except for a few t-shirt designs that didn't do well, so I looked online for design inspiration and came across a colorful scarf that would perfectly complement the vibrant hope God gives us in his word.
Colored in bright and cheerful hues, it's a symphony of praise that serves as an embodiment of the joy that transcends all circumstances. Each verse on this scarf has been lovingly chosen to reflect or evoke the multifaceted joy found in our relationship with God.
My hope is that this scarf may bring comfort to the weary soul yearning for a touch of heavenly joy to revitalize their spirit. It's for those who may be struggling with feelings of inadequacy, stress, or sadness. Meditating on these verses, you'll find not just temporary happiness, but lasting joy that only comes from a deep relationship with God. This scarf encourages you to rise above earthly troubles and soak in God's eternal joy.